It would have a lot more downloads and be all over the place if it was called Cards Against Humanity for your Chromecast...because ladies and gentlemen that what it is!
For those of you who've been living under a rock or passing on all social get-togethers for the last few years, Cards Against Humanity is a card game similar to the children's game Apples to Apples but for adults...yes! In the traditional playing style, each player has 7 cards with various nouns or verbs on them. Each round, every player selects a single card that best answers a question or fill in a blank on a separate single card selected at random for all players to see. The player who drew the random single card that all other players are replying to then selects the card he/she thinks is the best fit. You really just need to play the game once to understand how it's ridiculously fun!
Anyway, now that you're all caught up! Dehumanize Your Friends works with the Google Chromecast (another product that if you don't know what it is you're beyond saving at this point) and essentially makes Cards Against Humanity completely digital. Everyone playing must have the game app (link to DL below) as well as the Chromecast extension app installed...all totally free! You then open Dehumanize Your Friends, click the "cast to Chromcast" icon in the top right of the screen, create a user name (hopefully a funny one), and then select you're "ready." Once everyone's connected, the first user who started this process can select to start the game! Everyone is automatically dealt their cards, the prompt card is displayed on the TV, and users just select their cards by tapping them and they are randomly displayed on the TV next to the prompt once all are selected. The "card czar" (name for the user picking the winning card that round) then selects on his/her screen the winner, and it rotates on.
Amazingly simple and makes the game a lot smoother and more fun in my opinion! A group of 5 of us played it the other night and it worked 90% of the time. The app is a little buggy at times, booting someone out of the game or freezing; however, I found these issues to be rather infrequent and resolved by closing and killing the app anytime there was an incident.
The original game, according to their site, is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license, meaning it can be used and remixed for free, but can't be sold without the creator's permission. With that I should hope support for this to continue to improve and maybe even some more creative competitor apps to pop up. In the meantime, have your Android friends over for some fun!